Here is a picture of the Latte Stone ( pronounced Lat-tee Stone) today. This may look just like two stacked rocks, but to the Chammoro people, it is much much more.
This stone was built by the ancient chammoro people centuries and centuries ago. Latte stones were built all different sizes, the smallest being only a few feet tall, and the tallest standing on today is 16 feet high! the bases were build in a square-like, cylinder shape, with a large stone cap on top. Ancient Chammoran people would built these latte stones in rows of 2-8 to support important structures in the village. The first latte were probably constructed during the 9th century AD; however, when the Mariana Islands were discovered by Europeans in the 16th century latte were no longer being made. Latte are found on the islands of Guam, Rota, Saipan, Pagan, and Tinian. The history of Guam before European contact is often divided into the Latte and Pre-Latte periods. If you hear about these Latte periods, you will now know that it is based around these historical rock landmarks.