The Chamorro culture is known for their dances, sea navigation, unique foods, and games. Songs and fashion have been influenced by people from other lands. The Chamorro culture has many complex social protocols centered upon respect. Some examples are kissing the hands of their elders, passing of legends, and chants. They are also masters of canoe making, belembautyan making (a musical instrument), sling stone making, weaving, manufacturing of spears, and other tools. The Chamorro culture includes the preparation of medicine and asking their ancestors for permission when entering the jungle. Chamorro culture is based around a mix of respect, caring, and accepting and helping one another. "Inafa'maolek", or interdependence, is a very central and important value in Chamorro culture, and depends a lot on cooperation. A historian, Lawrence Cunningham said, "In a Chamorro sense, the land and its produce belong to everyone. This is the armature, or core, that everything in Chamorro culture revolves around".