When asking a Chammaro person who has lived in the U.S. and Guam what is significantly different from our culture and theirs, a few valid points are made. First off, everyone in Guam lives in a village rather than towns, cities or states in the U.S. Many natives ( native, meaning living their entire life on the island-born and raised) have never even heard of a freeway. Their main road, that leads to most villages, is similar to one of our residential streets. Each month, every village has their own fiesta which is a major part of their culture. More time is made for the family in Guam than in the states. It is said that Guamanians make more time for family, despite having busy lives. Every Sunday, families gather and BBQ, mostly on the gorgeous beaches. Its to bad most of us in the states get so caught up in work, chores and our 'to do' lists and forget about what is really important; enjoying life.